Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reality Doesn't Bite


Ten days before my 38th birthday and I've had a rough couple days. Between work and vehicle problems they've been the kind of days that are just out of your control. It's becoming easier to deal with shitty days like this and that is very encouraging to me.

I'll admit I basically threw my hands up yesterday, but today was even worse and I pushed through and made it happen. I couldn't have done this a year ago, literally. It feels nice to have some clarity and a great support group.

I know now I will survive and furthermore succeed. There will be bad days but from day comes night with a new day just after. I have a blessing and chance at something great and I'm not willing to let it go. I am in control of my destiny.

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they are supposed to help you discover who you are." 
~ Bernice Johnson Reagon 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Perpetual Anti-Climax 3-15-07

Drag it to me and watch it run
Dope, money, and pussy doesn't even stay put for long
I'm not slamming my pages shut for life
You cocksuckers do not desire page by page honesty
But desire your predetermined version of my biography
Stone cold with blade exposed
Is the new improved dirty hustling white boy from South O
You may assume my game isn't legitimate
Ask around the South Side and see what your questions get
Affirmation of the sh!t I'm trying to spit
More than one or two questions may get your wig split

Quote of the Day

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries."

~A. A. Milne

Song of the Day

This is a great video by a highly underrated band. It deserves a quick look and listen. You won't be disappointed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Guaranteed Success Playing Limit Hold 'Em Poker

I must say I love playing Texas hold 'em poker. There are few things that do or have ever made me feel as good as it does forcing my will on someone at the poker table! It's not always easily done at a limit table which is what makes it all the more sweet when you pull it off. If you consider yourself at least an intermediate skilled poker player you would basically almost have to try to lose at a limit table. It's quite simply position, patience, premium cards, and well timed aggression. This school of thought obviously doesn't apply if you've got thirty minutes to kill while waiting for your wife to finish playing penny slots. That would obviously take the patience out of the equation. I'm certainly not getting rich at it but I have a great time and virtually never lose at the end of the evening. I average about twenty four dollars profit per hour played. I look at it like a fun but serious job. I feel that with my skill and intelligence it would be an embarrassment to leave a 3-6 limit table a loser. Positive thinking and solid fundamentals alone should guarantee success. It's as simple as this, by the time you are between 12 and 18 dollars into a 3-6 limit pot, you should have a damn good idea whether you are the winner or you need to fold and run. I've bee to the casino to play four times between Oct. 20th and Jan. 1st, each time starting with a hundred dollars with the intent on leaving if my stack reached below fifty dollars. I profited 121 dollars once, 89 dollars once, and finally 24 dollars. Yes, I'm embarrassed to say one of the four visits I was a 49 dollar loser. Without excuse, I played poor poker. I allowed outside influences to effect my focus and just played poorly. I learned quite a bit and the lesson was well worth the 49 dollar loss, especially because you can see over four visits I made well over two hundred dollars! For this working class SOB that's good stuff!I'd like to know what you think!Sign in under anonymous if need be and just sign your comments!